How to pick the perfect Watermelon

Our little homestead watermelon farmer has found the secret to delicious watermelon!

This month has been all about our homestead garden and enjoying the bounty harvest in our own backyard. But sometimes it is so hard to determine when things are ripe?

We polled all of you and asked the experts to come up with 3 simple tips to find the perfect watermelon.

Tip 1: thumping the watermelon should sound like the thump on your belly , this was my kids favorite method! You will have to head to Instagram and check out the video of my kids for this one.

Tip 2: there should be a dried tendril until the stem when the watermelon is ripe

Tip 3: a yellow spot on the skin when the watermelon is ripe and at a sweet spot!

Then get yourself come cute kids to taste test and you’re all set.

What’s your favorite method to determine ripe watermelons??

Do you have other tried and true tips?

I’d love to hear!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


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Don’t Thank a Farmer