Cold Brew

It seems as though summer is here in California. We have had beautiful days of 80 degrees and this week was 90 degrees and sunny. When spring hits and summer is starting to role in, its time for me to switch my coffee selection.

I am not one of those people who can handle hot coffee when it is hot outside.  I need something cold and refreshing, even in the mornings. If I start the day off hot, it is going to ruin the rest of the day for me. I know some people can drink hot coffee all summer long, they need the hot coffee to wake them up in the morning. I am NOT one of those people.

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When spring and summer hit, bring on the cold coffee! I used to always drink iced coffee from my favorite well known coffee chain. Last summer, I was introduced to the land of cold brew. Man, was that a life changer for me. I remember my first cold brew experience at said well known chain, it was a big "what have I been missing" moment. Then after spending a small fortune at this coffee chain, I realized I could make it myself. AND it was easy! WIN WIN!

Most of last summer and into fall (because where I live, it can be 100 degrees well through October) I made this cold brew recipe on a regular basis. So, this spring when the weather started to change I was getting excited for some homemade cold brew. But I couldn't find my recipe! So, I recruited some help from friends and we quickly remembered how easy the recipe was and I made a double batch for Easter that came out PERFECT! Once you try it, you will realize just how easy it is.

I wanted to share this recipe with you all, because it is such a staple in my fridge. I make a big batch and it will last me a good week or two. And I do have to admit, the almond milk creamer is my favorite to really make this so delicious! There is just something about the sweetness of almond milk that really makes it pop so much more than your standard creamer or milk.

The recipe does come out a little strong, but I like my coffee on the strong side. If you do not, I would suggest using 1.5-2 gallons of water instead. Or, you can just add more almond milk and that silky deliciousness will be heavenly.

I am too cheap to invest in cheese clothe so I always end up using a thin kitchen towel. It works fine and gets the job done. I usually spoon out the grounds a few times to make the straining go faster. And I usually so impatient to get myself a cup of cold brew that I like to speed up the process.

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


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