The Chico Walnut Tree

A house is only a house until you make it a home. We closed escrow two months ago, are about a week away from finishing renovations but planting this walnut tree in the ground makes this place feel like home to me.

About a year ago my son asked my father for his very own walnut tree. My son wanted to have a walnut tree just like his Papa B. After my father past away, my husband found a seedling starting to sprout up in the burn pile. My son took it and planted it in this red pot outside my parents house. We watched it grow last summer and make huge leaves. Then over winter it went dormant and we all wondered if it would make it.

Last time I was home, the walnut tree was starting to show buds pushing. So my son decided it was time to take it to our new house. We brought the pot to our house and found the perfect spot to plant it in the ground.

Yesterday, we dug a hole to begin planting it and it started to rain lightly. We struggled getting the tree out of the pot but we managed to finally get it loose. We planted the tree and the kids helped to put the Chico dirt back in the hole with the walnut tree. As we watered the tree after planting we couldn’t help but think the sprinkles coming down were my father helping us to water the tree from heaven.

Now this Chico walnut tree is planted in the middle of the kids play area. I’d like to think there will be a little bit of my Dad watching over the kids here while they play.

And now this place is starting to feel like home.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


Cold Brew


BEE careful, advice on handling a bee sting.