Finding light in a negative world.

There is a lot of negativity in today's world. It is in the media, on television, some family members, work life, it seems everywhere you turn there is someone or something that just seems to be negative. Even when you turn on the news at night, it always focuses on the bad things going on. They always seem to report when someone is arrested or accused of wrong doing. But then when they are cleared of the charges or wrongfully arrested, the news never tells that side of the story. When they get a story wrong or there is a happy ending, it never seems to make the mainstream media. Why has our world become focused on the bad and less focused on the good?

A couple months back, I attended a local Business Conference and one speaker specifically tackled the tough topic of cleansing your life of negativity. Now with it being a new year, it really got me thinking of how much negativity surrounds us all and how I want to be more positive this year. Maybe you have a family member who is always picking out the negative in everything. They seem to always find the bad way of looking at a situation. Maybe you have a coworker who is always looking for trouble or seems to find an argument with everything that crosses their desk. Now we can't always get ride of these negative people in our lives but we can start by pointing out the positive in the situations to them. Sometimes simply stating "Let's find the positive here" can bring a different light and attitude to the situation.  With enough repetition, they will catch on. Sometimes simply ignoring the negative comments and following it up with a positive outlook may get them thinking.

Farmers often times tend to be negative as well. The yield isn't as high as they hoped. The tractor broke down in the field right before a big rain storm. Your expenses were higher than last year. But instead of rejoicing for the good in our lives, we tend to focus on the bad. How do we train ourselves to find the light in this negative world? It is hard to sometimes find the positive in situations, but looking at things through a different perspective can sometimes change your view point.

Stop, breathe, and smile. Do you have loved ones around you? A roof over your head? A faith in God or greater being? So maybe we didn't get the yield we hoped for, but we still have a crop to rejoice for when some farmers maybe couldn't even harvest. The tractor broke down right before a rain storm, but maybe you can go home early and spend the evening with your family instead. Your expenses were higher than last year, but let's look at next year and make some adjustments.

In this next year, let's stop and rejoice in what we do have and not focus on what we don't have. Sometimes all it takes is a switch in our thinking. Try to be more positive and focus on the good things that happened today, instead of dwelling on all the bad. You woke up today, pulled on your big girl pants and tackled the world with a smile. Don't let all that holiday cheer end with the holidays. Let us all find light in a negative world.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Bud Swell, The beginning of the new life cycle


Almond Girl in Action