Almond Girl in Action

Last month, our little family was quite active! The holidays alone bring lots of parties, family activities, and outings that involve travel and long days. But on top of all of the normal holiday events, I had two back to back conferences to attend. And of course the conferences were a distance away and just so happened to be during my little almond farmer's first birthday.  So I picked up my family and took them with me!

First up, was the California Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, were I serve on the Young Farmers and Ranchers State Committee. During the Annual Meeting, members and delegates congregate to receive a legislative update, discuss and amend policy, commodity reviews and more. This year they made changes to policy on drones, discussed the ongoing bee issues, crop insurance for the drought, just to name a few. We also a heated election of new officers to serve our organization for the upcoming years.

Every year farmers and ranchers from throughout the state assemble together to ensure the organization is serving the best interest of California agriculture. Through their leadership, it is my hope that agriculture will have a voice and seat at the table when issues affecting us are brought up. As part of the YF&R program, I was elected to serve as the 2nd Vice and can't wait to continue the great momentum as part of the sphere of influence.

And since the conference was during my little almond farmer's birthday, the boys got to explore Cabela's and Scheels and we took an evening to ourselves for him to divulge in a piece of cake. 

We did have to leave Reno early to make our way to the Almond Board of California Conference. I had the privilege to sit on a panel discussing how growers use social media. I loved the opportunity to catch up with an old college friend and a social media friend. Joe and I had been twitter friends but hadn't met in real life until the conference, I love when that happens! He is great agvocate and even hosted President Obama on his farm. Daniel and his family were featured in a great Esquire Magazine article on farming almonds in the desert. 

Joe, Daniel and I. Photo courtesy of Western Farm Press. Conference highlights included water, bees, groundwater recharge, environmental concerns, media outreach and a trade show full of equipment innovation and vendors eager to assist. While I enjoyed the industry updates and legislative reviews of course my almond farmer made his way to the irrigation efficiency and technology workshops. It was an action packed day for us because we were eager to head home. It was a busy week of conferences and travel but I wouldn't have had it any other way than with my family by my side.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Finding light in a negative world.


A look back at 2015