Drought caused spraying

This week we are spraying for mite, peach twig borer, navel orange worm and leaf fungus. Mite is a small insect that eats leaves off the almond tree, these leaves provide shade and protection to the nuts. Peach twig borer and navel orange worm are worms that attack the almonds and destroy the crop. Leaf fungus can kill the leaves and negatively impact this years and future years almond production. Because of this years drought we had poor mummy removal

which created more worm habitats and survival through the winter. Now we have to spray to control these worms. The drought also makes mite infestations worse, mites thrive on lack of water and weak trees. Rust has become a problem due to late season rains and lack of rain during winter months. Fungus grows rapidly in warm, humid conditions that we are currently experiencing. A miticide is used to kill the mite, a insecticide is used to kill the worms and a fungicide is used to prevent the leaf fungus. The combination of these is used to help us save the almond crop. We will spray for all of these problems at minimum one to two more times this year, most of which can be attributed to the drought conditions we are experiencing.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Drilling a new water well


Early Harvest?