Early Harvest?

We had one of the mildest winters around in California this year. I can count on one hand the days that it rained and our low temperatures rarely broke the freezing mark. I don't feel we had a true winter at all. They say we are in spring time now, but it's been in the 90s for the past several weeks which seems more like summer. The cool 60-70 degree weather comes for a day or two and then back up to 90 degrees.

With the warm temperatures all winter it should be no surprise that most crops in California are running about two weeks earlier than average. Almonds are predicted to be early as well. Some are even saying almond harvest may start at the end of July. Crazy! While during a normal year almond harvest generally starts August 7th-14th in Kern County.

An early harvest will be better for our water situation given the drought California is in. We will be able to go in and harvest sooner, making this years crop less demanding of our water supplies.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Drought caused spraying


The almonds are growing!