Roasted Veggies with a Crunch

It may still be 100 degrees outside, but when September rolls around it triggers something in me that screams “it’s time for fall!!”

Roasted veggies are a sure sign of fall to me. Fresh carrots, potatoes, onions and a little garlic with all the fresh rosemary and thyme- fresh from the garden- sizzling in the oven and filling the kitchen air with all the fall smells. Man, I can smell all the fall things, can you?

Now, top the roasted veggies with the most perfect sliced almonds and you have the most perfect fall side dish suitable for the Sunday Night family dinner and easy enough for a Tuesday night after a long day at work.

roasted veg.png

One of my favorite parts of roasted veggies is you can substitute any veggies you have available. You can add mushrooms when available, you can take out squash if not in season, add potatoes instead if you want, mix and match your favorites.

Sliced almonds add the perfect little crunch to this dish and one of my favorite things about almonds, they add the unexpected perfect crunch to the dish.

Head into the shop and grab some sliced almonds fresh from our family to yours….

Enjoy and let me know how you make your roasted veggies with a crunch. I would love to hear, what you come up with.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


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