Stop and Smell the Roses

There is always time to stop and smell the roses 🌷

My grandparents always had a massive rose garden. As a kid, I have fond memories of picking roses and watching my grandfather tend to his what seemed like millions rose bushes. My grandma loved to work in the rose garden too, it was always time with the whole family.

My father continued on the same tradition. He had a green thumb for roses and he loved those bushes. When my parents first moved into their house they had 100 roses in their yard. They eventually made a smaller garden, but still spent just as much time caring for those roses. Now, he has a good rose garden of probably 20-30 rose bushes. He used to always pick roses for my mom and bring them inside for her to enjoy. It was always a special little gift he made for her. 

Now we continue his legacy by picking roses and taking them to his grave. I know he was looking down on us this morning as my daughter was playing with his roses. I’m sure he was probably worrying about her making a mess with the petals and making sure she didn’t prick herself with the thorns. But I just let her play and let her Grandpa guide her through the rose garden.

Sometimes we all just need to slow down and enjoy what is around us. Life gets crazy and we need to remind ourselves to stop and smell the roses.

Love you Daddy!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


One Man's Trash


Sticks, leaves and dirt...OH MY!