Walnut Day

We all have our day. A day to celebrate you. Whether it's your birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, there is a day to celebrate you. There are also a million days to celebrate things. Pizza lover's day, Donut Day, Puppy Day, well today is National Walnut Day.

Today is a day to celebrate walnuts. I may be Almond Girl Jenny, but walnuts are a close second in my nut heart. My Dad is a walnut grower and I grew up surrounded by walnuts just as much as I grew up surrounded by almonds. Walnuts are my favorite baking nut. There is just something about banana nut bread that makes me happy.

Walnuts also make me healthy. They are a healthy punch of protein, fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, and healthy carbohydrates. Who knew one nut could have so many health benefits?

But did you also know that walnuts are the only nut that has any significant omega 3's? Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is a plant based food source and walnuts are the only nut with them. Omega 3 is commonly found in fish like salmon, but also in walnuts.

Walnut production is nothing to be shy about either. They aren't just a small niche in California. They are the ninth largest crop grown in California with a crop value of $1.24 billion. They are a pretty large crop that also makes up 99% of the US production of walnuts. There are some states that dabble in walnut production, but we definitely lead.

California exports about one third of its production as well, helping to boost California's economy and job market. If you look at the world's trade of walnuts, California accounts for three quarters of it as well. They are one boost worthy nut that is going places, literally!

They are one productive tree as well. There are 315,000 acres of producing walnuts in California with the top five counties being San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare, Butte and Sutter. The trees can stay in the ground for 30-35 years. Making walnuts a good investment for the future!

So next time you think about what nut to add to your favorite baked goods, or need a healthy addition to that side dish of yours, consider walnuts. They are healthy, nutritious and delicious!

Want to learn more about walnuts? Check out California Walnuts to find out more!

Also Check out some of my walnut posts:

Walnut Bloom

Walnut Harvest

Walnut Zucchini Muffins

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


My Daddy


Walnut Bloom