The year of Family and Farming

Family and farming. Two of the most important things in my life. Two of the most time consuming things in my life. It should be of no surprise that this is what makes up my most popular blog posts of 2017.

2017 was filled with highs and lows, challenges, a new baby and new leadership duties. This year we welcomed our baby girl, Hazel, into the world. She is the greatest gift of the year, by far. Watching her grow and develop new traits everyday is one of the most rewarding things. Watching her in complete admiration towards her brother and also how much love her brother has for her, makes my heart warm. They truly are the reason I get out of bed every morning. And not just because they are my alarm clock.

Family is why we farm. And we farm for our family. So it was no surprise to me that my #2 and #3 most viewed posts for the year are centered around harvest on our farm.

Harvest is in full swing shared the stages we take to get our fields harvest ready. It was a little more challenging this year as our baby girl was only a little over a month old when harvest started. She quickly learned what all those strange noises were and was a champ at napping on the go.

Harvest is done celebrated the end of the long season. I don't know if it was now being a family of four or what, but I felt like this harvest was exceptionally longer. I was in need of a break this year more than ever, and I am glad that we took a mini family vacation as harvest ended. This mama was tired. Who am I kidding, I am now a mom of two, I am always tired.

2017 also brought family life challenges. Two family members are battling severe illnesses that tests your faith and will. If anything these challenges have drawn me closer to family and God. He has a funny way of giving you life lessons. And I am hoping that in 2018 he will bless our families with healing and cures.

It is through life's challenges that I realized I needed to be a more thankful person. During November, I shared what I was thankful for this year. I am most thankful for my family, and you all agreed. Making it my #1 most read blog of the year. The thankful series helped me to really stop and appreciate the special people in my lives. My family is really the greatest gift and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I have the hardest working husband who tackles whatever I throw his way. Not to mention the long hours on the farm he puts in.

Family and farming pretty much sums up my life in a nut shell. (pun intended) And I think it is fitting that it also sums up my year. Cheers to you and your family. May 2018 bless you with love, happiness and eternal joy.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny.


Country Christmas


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