Thankful for my family

With all the hate, crime and devastation in the world these days I have found myself in need of love and joy. To me, November is the perfect month to reflect on what we are thankful for. I think we all need to stop and take time to appreciate what we have. There is too much negativity to sometimes

find the light, as I have written about before. So this month, I challenge you all to stop what you are doing and take some time to be thankful and appreciate the world around you.

To help me spread some love and happiness I thought I would do a fun thankful Thursday giveaway post every week this month of November. Every week, I will post something I am thankful for and challenge you to think of something you are thankful for.

The idea is to appreciate what we have and stop thinking of all the negative that surrounds us. Thanksgiving and Christmas are happy holidays were we should be thankful and not be dwelling on negative things.

Every week this month, I will share something I am thankful for and I want to know something you are thankful for.

I ask you to 'like' Almond Girl Jenny Facebook page AND this post AND then comment with something you are thankful for. I will pick one person each week and send them some 'nutty' cheer to help them spread their happiness.

So let's start out. Something I am thankful for is my family.

I am thankful for my husband. He is loving, compassionate, patient, and caring. He works hard every day to provide for us and never asks for anything in return. He is the best father to our children. Watching him play and read to our children just makes me love him more and more. It is true the old saying, "I never knew how much I loved your Daddy, until I saw how much he loved you". It is like my love for him grew astronomically when our children were born, and it only continues to grow each day I see them together.

I am thankful for my children. They challenge me, press my buttons and exhaust me beyond belief. But when my son comes up to me to kiss me and tell me he loves me, it melts my heart. When I don't get any sleep or can't seem to calm my tired baby and then she falls asleep smiling in my arms, it makes it all worth it. I know these 'little' days won't last forever and then they will be running off to college, so I cherish each hug, kiss, smile and embrace they give me.

I am thankful for my parents. My parents are always there for me when I need them and often times when I didn't know I needed them. They are my inspiration of what a loving and long lasting marriage should be. They are there to lend advice, a helping hand or just a place to vent when I need it. My parents have taught me so much about life, family, faith, and work ethic that I will never know how to repay them but in love... and grandchildren of course. Seeing my parent's faces light up when they see their grandchildren is a whole other love to be thankful for.

I am thankful for my sister, nieces, nephew, in-laws, grandparents, aunts and uncles and everyone in my family that helped make me who I am. Without my family there to support me, I wouldn't be where I am today. It is family that helps build you and make you stronger. It is family that makes you, you.

I challenge you to take sometime this week to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. Tell them you love them, give them a warm embrace or just be there for them.

Who are you thankful for?

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


Thankful for farmers


Harvest is done!