Spring has sprung...for now

Almond bloom has come and gone. Those pretty white flower petals have fallen onto the orchard floor and now it looks like snow. It is the closest thing to snow that we will get in the valley and I am okay with that.

Now those flowers are turning into little nuts and soon will be fuzzy little nut jackets in the making. Flowers and bloom may be the sign of spring coming, but to me the formation of those nuts hopefully means a successful spring and harvest to come. Spring has sprung...for now!

It was a fast and furious bloom season with less than ideal weather. The bloom was slightly earlier than in regular years but mostly on track. The flowers had bloomed and the trees were turning green in a mere three weeks. Meaning those bees only had a short window to get in and get busy.

Bees will not be active and pollinating unless the weather is what they want. They are picky bees and want that warmer mid 50's or higher temperatures with no fog or rain. In our 3 week bloom window these days weren't super abundant. With two series of rainstorms during bloom it made for pollinating flowers to be rather difficult.

Now that bloom is over the flowers will be working on forming nuts. The trees are lush and green in color with leaves sprouting up. Now those bees are angry as they look for flowers that have come and gone. Beekeepers are working hard to move their bees to the next crop and onto their new adventures.

The orchards are gorgeous and a true sign that spring is here. We have been enjoying these 80 degree temperature days and it feels like spring. Well for now. Next week, it is projected to be back in the 60's with a chance of rain again.

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


California Agriculture Day


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