2017, The year to be you!

Happy New Year!  Many people take the new year as a chance to get on a new diet, join a gym, quit smoking, stop drinking soda, or whatever your fancy is. But in all seriousness, most of these people fail at their new years resolutions and end up back to their same old self in a few months.

TV, social media, and magazines all tell us we need to jump on the new fad, try this diet out because it's better, dress this new way because it's trendy. Most of these things don't end up working out because it isn't what makes you happy. If you don't have motivation or drive to do something, then you aren't going to last very long doing it.

So, what makes you happy? Family, friends, faith, farming? Then, that's what you should spend more time dong in 2017. 2017, is the year to be YOU!

You have to hold yourself accountable, you have to love what you are doing, you have to be YOU. That is what is going to make you succeed this year. Try a new diet if you want, but if it is going to make you fall off the deep end worse than you ever have, maybe it's not the one for you. If you are Italian and you grew up eating that way, don't try and give up carbs. Pasta will end up being your late night snack that turns into 4 helpings worth.

My husband always says he is going to give up soda. Every new years, every lent, every summer, he trys. But he ends up giving in with a 64 ounce cup from the gas station and adding 500 calories plus to his daily intake. This year, I told him to start small and try the small 12 ounce can if he feels an urge and don't get mad at yourself for having one once a week. You have to be true to you.

We all need to eat healthy, drink responsibly, and do what is best for our bodies. But we are the only ones who know what that means. Not everyone is going to run a marathon this year. But if you want to start by walking around the block every night after dinner, that might be a big step in the right direction for you.

Don't just sit on the couch all year, watching Netflix and eating fast food. Life is short, it is full of unexpected surprises. You need to do what is best for you. Get up, go for a walk, make yourself a homemade healthy dinner, invite a friend over, call your grandparents just to say hi, hug your parents, tell your kids you love them, kiss your husband, and don't forget to be you!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


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