
Thanksgiving was a few days ago now and our stomachs are probably still trying to recover from the turkey and pumpkin pie overload. But I wanted to stop and reflect. On thanksgiving it is amazing the overflowing amount of thankfulness. It seems everyone took to Facebook and all social media to list what they are thankful for. But what happened next?

Well some when shopping for Black Friday deals, some started Christmas decorating Saturday, some fought traffic on Sunday and then we all went back to work on Monday. Back to the same old grind, back to the same routine, back to our same old self.

What happened to all those thankful people? We are quick to forget what meant so much to us a few days ago. As we prepare our list of Holiday "wants", as we push people through department stores for that special something, as we load up on holiday gifts, lets stop to think.

So, today I wanted to remind you all today and everyday, to stop and be thankful. Being thankful doesn't stop with the day, the season, the company. Being thankful should continue with us through Christmas and into the next year. Being thankful should be a daily recognition.

Everyday, we all need to stop and take a deep breathe to enjoy the loved ones who surround us and be thankful for all the blessings we have. Today and everyday.

Blessings are sometimes hard to see in a world with so much hate but everyday is a day to be thankful.

I am thankful for this little guy and all the family who support me and love me in this crazy journey.

I am thankful for my faith, the opportunity to believe what I believe, and to know God has bigger plans beyond what I can conceive.

I am thankful for farmers who take pride in what they do, and wake up every morning to provide food for this great nation and world.

Everyday is a reminder to stop and count your blessings and be thankful for all, each and every day!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl Jenny


Christmas Giveaway #1


Why am I an agvocate?