Almond Granola

I am a creature of habit and routine. I like schedules. I like to know what is expected, what is planned. I do not like surprises. I do not like something unplanned. I am a planner. I had to find the sex of our child out so I could plan the nursery and clothes around boy or girl. I had to design my wedding ring, so I knew I would like it and no one else would have one like it. I tend to take over group projects and have a problem with delegating tasks to other. Some call is controlling. I just like to know all the details.  I do the same thing with my breakfast. I have a breakfast menu and I tend to stick to what I like. In the winter, it is usually oatmeal with peanut butter. In the summer, it is granola and Greek yogurt. I do switch it up every once in a while with two fried or pouched eggs on toast...okay maybe I do have a problem.

In the spring when it starts getting warmer out I switch my routine to granola and Greek yogurt. One day I looked at my granola and had an epiphany. Why have I been buying granola when the main ingredients were things I already had in the pantry? So, I looked up a few granola recipes, found what I liked, merged a few recipes and substituted what I had on hand.....and you have my Almond Granola recipe that is now my go to. 

Of course, you can always change out what you have on hand or what you prefer for pretty much any of the ingredients. I seem to always have pumpkin seed and never sunflower seeds, I had a huge bag of flax seed from when I was in a flax seed kick a year or so ago. And like any almond farmer, I always have honey and almonds on hand. For those who don't use honey often there is a simple trick for making sure your honey doesn't stick to the measuring cup...just measure the oil first in the cup before the honey. The oil coated measuring cup makes the honey just slide out. So simple and it will save your life. You're welcome.

Hope you enjoy this simple and easy recipe!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Storm Clean Up


Wordless Wednesday: April Almonds