Walnut Harvest

Because farmers never rest and my almond farmer doesn't take a break after almond harvest, we went up to Chico to help my dad with walnut harvest. And the most important thing, my little almond farmer growing in my tummy needed some baby gear from my family baby shower!

Left is the walnut in the hull, Right is the walnut in the shell

Walnut wind-rows

My dad started walnut harvest a little over a week ago. Walnut harvest is very similar to almond harvest. Walnuts are grown on the tree in a green round hull surrounded by a shell and the walnut meet is the seed, very similar to the almond. When the hull is cracked open and starts to separate from the shell, the walnut is ready to be harvested. Walnuts are shaken off the tree with the same shakers we use in almonds. The walnuts are sweeped and picked up just like almonds. But instead of waiting a week or so to pick up the dried almonds, walnut must be picked up from their wind-rows and arrive at the huller within twenty four hours! Walnut meat and shells will darken in color the longer they sit on the orchard floor, reducing the price and quality of the walnut.

Shaking and picking up walnuts

Loading the walnuts to go off to the huller

Once at the huller, the green hull is removed and the meat in the shell is dried. Then, the walnut will go to the processor to be shelled or sold in-shell making them ready for you to enjoy!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


After harvest clean up, Leveling the rows


Almond by-products