How is the CA drought going to affect you and what can you do?

News this week, the Department of Water Resources has lowered the state water project allocations to zero percent. This is the first time in recorded history that farmers and municipals will receive zero percent of water they paid for. Some farmers and cities do have ground water supply, local reservoir sources or a balance due to them but this isn't enough. There are plenty of farmers who have no other source of water.

What does that mean to you?  According to CDFA, if California were a country, we would be the fourth largest agriculture producer with $44.7 billion in revenue. California is the sole US producer of almonds, artichokes, figs, dates, raisins, kiwis, olives, clingstone peaches, pistachios, plums, pomegranates, sweet rice, and walnuts. Wow thats a lot of crops, farmers, laborers and consumers depending on California and our water!

As a consumer, you will see shortages of California grown crops. Some crops we may not be able to produce. Less crop, less supply. Less supply, higher cost to the consumer. Are you prepared to pay more for your food? The Huffington Post info graphic to the right is actually a great way to show how this is going to have an effect on consumers.

Farmers and ranchers throughout the great state of California are joining together and asking you for one thing, to pray. Pray for rain and snow! If you eat food and wear clothes, this drought will effect you. Pray for rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains. Not just a one time rain, we need lots of rain. The DWR press release quotes "It would need to rain and snow heavily every other day from now until May to get us back to average rainfall and snow levels. Even then California would still be in a drought'  We need a miracle and everyone banning together to make this work.

A fellow California Women for Agriculture farmer and rancher put her great efforts of communications and social media together to ask us all to pray and take some time out of your day tomorrow to reflect, pray and harvest our faith together!

Harvesting faith is one step we can all participate in to draw attention on the great things that are possible when people come together for the greater good.

Pray for rain!

Until Next Time,

Almond Girl


Rural Housewives


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